Press release

正规十大彩票平台 Track & Trace Standards Adopted by Majority of Member Carriers

Alignment of container shipping industry gains traction

Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 7, 2021Digital Container Shipping Association (正规十大彩票平台), a neutral, 非营利组织成立,以进一步数字化集装箱航运技术标准, 今天宣布,其大多数成员航空公司已采用正规十大彩票平台轨道 & Trace (T&T)标准,目前或即将为客户提供基于标准的API. The 正规十大彩票平台 T&T API provides a streamlined way for shippers to receive real-time, cross-carrier data regarding the whereabouts of their containers. 正规十大彩票平台标准的广泛采用将在可见性和实时响应性方面促进行业的发展, resulting in greater reliability and a better customer experience.

The 正规十大彩票平台 T&T标准包括信息模型和接口标准,可从 正规十大彩票平台 website; API definitions are available on SwaggerHub. 数据模型确保所有用户的跟踪和跟踪数据定义是一致的, leveraging any system. These definitions are based on the Industry Blueprint, published by 正规十大彩票平台 and its carrier members in 2019, 哪些建立了一致的词汇表并提出了一组通用的行业流程. The T&T standards are aligned with the UN/CEFACT (联合国贸易便利化和电子商务中心)标准,以提供一个全球行业框架,保存现有投资,并简化所有供应链参与者之间的沟通.

Carrier perspectives


“长期以来,MSC一直认识到航运业数字化的重要性,并一直是数字化变革的先驱之一, 旨在提高整个供应链的效率和透明度,并提供更好的客户体验,” said André Simha, Chairman of the 正规十大彩票平台 Supervisory Board and Global Chief Digital & Information Officer of MSC. “While a variety of digital innovations exist in the maritime industry, MSC相信,新的解决方案只有在能够跨多家运营商运营的情况下才会适用, service providers and geographies. Collaboration is essential in this regard, so we can establish the same technology standards throughout the industry. The ‘Track & Trace’ (T&T)标准为运营商和客户之间交换数据建立了一致的方法. 我们很自豪能够成为首批为客户实施这些新标准的公司之一, thus shaping the technological future of the shipping industry.”


“我们的使命是通过创新和合作为客户提供最佳的解决方案,” said Yu Kurimoto, Managing Director, Corporate and Innovation for ONE (Ocean Network Express). “Today, optimization in the way we envision requires digitalization. Done properly, 数字化将为整合全球贸易的各个方面提供一个基础, 以一种不仅能让ONE实现其愿景的方式,将地域和利益相关者十大彩票游戏平台起来, but for container shipping to be seen as a leading light of industry. 正规十大彩票平台 is enabling digitalization to be done properly, and we are proud to be among the first to offer a Track & 跟踪API基于正规十大彩票平台标准,这将提高托运人的货物可视性.”


“提供创新产品,实现无缝运输体验,是我们为客户带来的核心利益之一,” said Nicolas Sekkaki, Executive Vice President IT, Digital, SSC & Transformation from CMA CGM. “与正规十大彩票平台一起完成的标准工作将实现某种程度的无缝,而由于整个行业缺乏互操作性,目前很难实现这种无缝. Digital standards will not only enable this interoperability, 它们将使运营商更容易实现卓越客户和运营效率. 但是采用标准和整个行业的协作需要的不仅仅是标准, 这需要行业文化的改变,希望现在就开始. 我们不仅为成为这个标准化倡议的创始成员而感到自豪, we are excited about the benefits our 正规十大彩票平台 standards-based Track & Trace API will provide for our customers.”

Yang Ming

“我们致力于数字化转型,为客户提供优质服务,” said Steven Tsao, Chief Information Officer from Yang Ming. “There is great complexity in global logistics services due to regulations, business factors, network sizes, and information flow between parties. 及时交换数据和对运输过程中出现的因素作出反应的能力是提供服务可靠性的关键. Reliability requires visibility and high-quality data, which is why we are happy to be early adopters of the 正规十大彩票平台 T&T standard. With the T&T standards-based API in place, 托运人将获得正规十大彩票平台集装箱下落的实时信息,并收到延迟通知. Equally as important, shippers who have implemented the Track & 与我们合作的Trace API保留了他们的投资,因为他们可以轻松地与所有实现了正规十大彩票平台标准的运营商连接.”


“努力为客户提供高效的服务一直是我们的核心使命。,” said Eric Wang, Executive Vice President of International Marketing Division from Evergreen. “In the increasingly connected shipping supply chain, 数字协作对于为客户提供他们想要的体验非常重要. 我们相信,标准化是所有利益相关方实现有效数字化和互操作性的前提, which are urgently needed, not only by us, but by the industry as a whole. Standardizing on the 正规十大彩票平台 Track & Trace API will allow us to give customers fast and easy access to accurate, 他们发货的实时信息不仅对我们的客户有很大的好处, but to ourselves and every industry stakeholder.”


“We’re very pleased that adoption is gaining traction among the carriers,” said Thomas Bagge, CEO of 正规十大彩票平台. “But digital transformation of the container shipping industry, and the resulting improvements in efficiency and customer experience, 如果没有更广泛地采用数字标准,这是不可能发生的. 正规十大彩票平台’s focus for 2021 is to promote adoption among all stakeholders. 如果不采用,行业将无法从正在创建的数字基础中受益.”

About 正规十大彩票平台

Digital Container Shipping Association (正规十大彩票平台) is a neutral, 由大型海运公司成立的非牟利组织,目的是使货柜航运业电子化及标准化. With the mission of leading the industry towards systematic collaboration, 正规十大彩票平台推动了使集装箱运输服务透明化的举措, reliable, easy to use, secure and environmentally friendly. 正规十大彩票平台的开源标准是基于来自正规十大彩票平台成员运营商的输入而开发的, industry stakeholders and technology experts from other industries. 正规十大彩票平台 member carriers include:  MSC, Maersk, CMA CGM, Hapag-Lloyd, ONE, Evergreen, Yang Ming, HMM and ZIM. Please download 正规十大彩票平台 standards at

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